
see: autonomy

x. motivation ii


  • This aspect of motivation, has significant side-effects
    • While activation patterns for muscle sequence/ operation are reversible
    • However, there is no distinction of purpose at this level of muscles concerns, and the same chemical resources are released to muscles for any action
    • 1
    • 2

x. motivation iii


x. motivational conflict

Even early biological autonomy must survive complex situations (representational scenes), which include both :

  1. Phenomena essential for survival (like food), and;
  2. Phenomena which threaten death (like predators)

The ‘scene-evaluated-measure’ (relative significance) of this complex scene might result in conflicting motivation (positive and negative) 3, and significantly, conflicting activation patterns.

Where positive intensity and negative intensity conflict, and.

—how might simple biological autonomy solve this problem? 4

  • Typically, the threat of death is more severe than hunger, but nuance is optimal

  • Motivational conflict resolution

  • Mechanical

  • Relative intensity of conflicting motivation

  • Negative motivation includes the means to physically suppress and overcome positive motivation, to counter complex occasions which include

    • Avoid physical injury
  • Suppression upstream, to avoid physical damage

  • =

    • And mutable, upon subsequent memory activation (recall)

x. motivational direction

motivational direction: locomotive direction; implementation mechanism go code pattern sequence order muscular inhibition prevents/ suppresses movement dreaming internally thinking of a scenario which would result in self-harm

consider that motivational directionality is a consequence of physically directional animals 5 (animals with directional sense envelope) :

  1. Positive motivation directly enacts forward locomotive movements when attention rests on pleasing phenomena (live or recall)
  2. 6
    1. Rather than simply reversing locomotive movements to avoid displeasing phenomena
    2. Negative motivation does not
  3. , As much as suppress forward locomotion to prevent moving toward displeasing phenomena,
  4. When attention rest on displeasing phenomena, negative motivation does not reverse locomotive movement but suppress
  5. The combination of forward
  6. {Positive; negative}, either :
  7. Or to avoid any location, negative motivation when directed towards, and positive motivation away

x. mechanism i


  • To mitigate occasions of severe motivational conflict
  • Including the risk of physical operational damage
  • Cease continuation – to avoid that place – specifically (negative motivation towards; positive motivation away)
    • Do not go there

Consider that basic look-ahead might be implemented by evaluating the significance of locations directly-adjacent to any intended objective, such that if some pleasing thing was directly-adjacent to some displeasing thing, the net result, would be to avoid the immediately adjacent area.

#todo escalations

x. threats

Consider predator territory :

  1. Some predators move around (over a broad area); or that
  2. Some areas contain several predators
  3. In both cases, predator sightings might be distributed in such a way that an animal might technically navigate to a location surrounded-by, though not quite directly-adjacent-to, previous sightings

x. mechanism ii

Consider :

  1. That basic threat look-ahead (of specific locations) evolves over time, to counter extended areas of distributed threats
  2. Such that past some threshold of sufficiently displeasing sightings throughout or around any loosely-adjacent area, a cascade is triggered
  3. Which flags each location within the respective area with negative significance
  4. A mechanism which in-effect zones-off implicit threat based upon explicit observations

x. attention ii

As follows :

  1. When attention then fell on any location within a corresponding zone (as would occur when considering enclosed resources)
    1. Irrespective of direct sighting
  2. An autonomous change in body-state would occur to cease continuation, and with the resultant behaviour, to avoid that entire zoned-off area
    1. Zonal prohibition includes negative motivation towards; positive motivation away

x. thresholds, cascades, abstract interpretation, and intuition

  1. Threshold cascades demonstrate a simple mechanical basis for early abstract interpretation
  2. Whereby some local metric passing a threshold, simulates the detection of new kind of stimuli, an intuition, with a cascade being the mechanical response
  3. It stands to reason that this cascade mechanisms evolved to reverse, with the return of respective metric below a threshold
    1. One example being an animal observing a predator leaving a previously prohibited area

x. human cognition

Consider that :

  1. Humans model (intangible) abstract conceptual phenomena with the same neuronal infrastructure as (tangible) physical phenomena 7, because
  2. All cognition is abstract, and as such,
  3. Abstract conceptual-spaces are fundamentally equivalent to, the same neuronal implementation evolved for surviving physical environments
  4. Which includes the same cascade protections
  5. Which, when invoked, prevents us from continuing to think about that specific region of conceptual map, just as it might prevent us from physically moving toward an interpreted threat, in the case of physical environments 1.

x. consequences

Consider that.

  1. We commonly refer to our default conceptual-space, as ’the self’
  2. And additionally, that many {develop; maintain; refine} specialist conceptual-spaces, for professional and-or recreational pursuit
  3. And that for default and specialist conceptual-spaces alike – once a certain threshold (of distribution and intensity) of negative assessment of significance is crossed, a cascade occurs

Consider the mechanism of zonal prohibition.

  1. Body-state, changes more slowly than conceptual attention; circumstantially, body-state invoked by one memory, can persist and inadvertently be misassigned to unrelated memories, accessed ‘sufficiently simultaneously’ ↩︎

  2. Under some circumstances, the intensity of persisted significance decreases over time, which naturally attenuates response (for a range of reasons) ↩︎

  3. Which at the level of muscles involves the release of the same chemicals ↩︎

  4. consider that early life solved complex problems with simple biological mechanisms ↩︎

  5. #todo find name for this ↩︎

  6. For directional animals: moving backwards is risky; only done when posterior environment is known/ managed; cannot turn; definite risk is anterior (front), and monitoring is prioritised ↩︎

  7. Implicit: intangible phenomena follow many of the same rules as physical, tangible, phenomena ↩︎