
This project, the manual (for all minds) is a book about the mind (and cognition), which invites a reader to reimagine familiar circumstances (of the mind and cognition) through an unfamiliar lens — a single, unifying perspective, of all minds


notes: the manual (for all minds) is the result of a method (or system, or process) for ’thinking across traditionally isolated domains of concern’; as originally applied to ‘our collective understanding of the mind’ (the quartet)

Unhelpfully, the mind is a controversial {delicate; contentious} topic at the best of times; and from recent personal experience, most attempts to engage in substantive conversations with specialists of any of the quartet have been as fruitful as the collaborative history they share between themselves…

I have much to say. I can demonstrate {working; practical exercises; concordant evidence; predictions; etc}; but clear accessible communication takes time, and the sensitivity of this topic has proved to be an insurmountable hurdle to the direct developmental iteration necessary to refine method, and communication…

few it seems, have sufficient inclination to question their current understanding of their own mind (or frankly the confidence), sufficient to onboard other understandings (and with that, intent to consider, in sincerity)

So anyway, before ‘going loud’ with any of the primary results of the manual, I needed a way to bypass topical contentions, to continue to refine and validate the method (of analysis) and my communication, by applying the method to other less-contentious problem-spaces/ domains of concern.

Helpfully the method generalised 1, and for several months I have been exploring arbitrary domains and problem-spaces with increasingly concise generalised form, and corresponding terms (with specific thanks to nate and axoaxonic)

#todo say more

the manual (for all minds) invites a reader to reimagine familiar phenomenal circumstances through an unfamiliar lens – a single, unifying perspective, which reframes all phenomenal distinction by relative commonality


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  1. By isolating and separating underlying mechanics {heuristics; transforms; etc} from initial topical detail ↩︎