On the face of it (and certainly at this point in time), this project likely presents as a sprawling chaos of ideas, spread over far-too-diverse a range of topics, as to be of use, or value.

After all, a sprawling, evolving, unconstrained project-scope is often a warning sign – of incoherent objectives, approach or method.

For this unusual project however, a sprawling, evolving project-scope is not only unavoidable, but fundamentally necessary.

the approach is unusual

This project follows an unusual approach to sense making, by considering all universal phenomena within broader context – in terms of phenomenal relation 1; and consequentially, relative phenomenal-alignment within and across arbitrarily any scope of concern.

—why is this approach unusual?

This approach is unusual because the typical approach to formal study of universal phenomena (scientific, for example) is to narrow focus – to isolate and reduce specific areas of concern, and to then specialise, within isolated disciplinary practices.

—is that a problem?


Universal phenomena do not exist in isolation; when we fail to consider phenomena within a broader context, in terms of relation and contextual alignment, we contrive complexity, by failing to correctly account for observable characteristics, by other simpler, or pre-existing phenomena, which happen to be ‘out of scope’

#todo discuss, summarise further


the method is unusual

the counter-intuitive circumstances of a method which generalises to the scope-of-all


  1. At the intersection between intrinsic, extrinsic and temporal dimensions of concern: intrinsic – phenomenal composition; extrinsic – lateral phenomenal participation with peers; temporal – origin and lineage, including upstream ancestors/ priors (dependencies), and downstream descendants/ derivatives (realised potential) ↩︎