notes #tbc


  1. Biology, senses, and cognition, evolved
    1. Senses evolved to detect patterns (relative arrangement) of stimuli by physical groupings of sensory receptors
    2. Patterns become persistable and composable
    3. Persisted composable patterns allow objective recognition of previously identified external phenomena
  2. By stitching together smaller patterns into larger arrangements (terrain, objects, etc), persisted composable patterns become larger than physical groupings of sensory receptors
  3. From this point, recognition is based upon matching sensory grouping to partial patterns of persisted representation
  4. Partial pattern matching allows
    1. Small physical groupings to match larger persisted representational compositions
    2. Establish objective sameness (to relate present location to known locations)
    3. De-duplicate representational arrangements (or parts thereof)
    4. Recognising partially obscured scenes, across different {moments; days; conditions; etc}
    5. And minimises resource requirements and latency


Note: if the same object is detected differently over different days (different parts, angles, obstruction, etc) and persisted, sameness may not be detected – this is confusion, by “plural enumeration”

Evolution resolves this kind of confusion by “de-duplication”: consolidation different representations, or maps, of the same territory; or re-stitching together overlapping perspectives at matched partial-intersection.

Explicitly, two alternatives:

  1. No reconciliation: like a sensory “log file”, with no objective sameness (but perhaps some other metric)
  2. Real-time reconciliation: but this is still no-duplication (and errors likely occur, to be corrected)

I suggest that this is a very early development.