Open questions for psychology, and psychiatry. Background:
Here a psychologist and psychiatrist discuss “advancing neuroscientific understanding of brain-behaviour relationship”:
specifically “the gap in understanding, between the brain 1 and behaviour”
I hope to better understand how different specialists within the broader fields of psychology and psychiatry perceive this “gap in understanding”
I’m curious to understand:
- How often this “gap in understanding” is considered, within different specialisms of psychology?
- The range of expectations across respective specialists, on what “illumination of this space” may reveal
- To what degree a formalised scientific account of introspection (including and objectively reframed meditation practice) might benefit illumination and interrogation of “the gap”
- The situation of “psychiatric-claim” on circumstances associated with “mental disorders”; and the degree to which psychology ought to present non-judgemental interpretations of the same circumstances, as appropriate
tbh, any insights you feel happy to share, will be gratefully received! 2