“how do autists define autistic special interest?” 1

part 1


  1. The difference between recall and derivation (calculation, or simulation)

  2. Consider that the self is the default context for all sensory interpretation

  3. That neurotypical minds are majority “default only”

  4. And that neuro-diverse minds dynamically create alternate contexts, for specialist interpretation (whenever new formalisms, physics, world building, or complex simulation is required)

  5. Think of interpretive contexts as split screen tablet: either fully default; partial alt; majority alt; or fully alt

Special interests are things we’ve created alt specialist contexts for, and as we spend time developing those environments, and associated cognitive-range-of-motion develops, we can shift further across.

To exist fully alt, is serene, peaceful, optimised for the task, and blissful (though good luck interpreting even basic ’normal life’ - unless the specialism is related to normal life, of course).

Meditative zen is a state whereby the self (default context) is unloaded. Autists do this innately, but shift further.

When existing as fully alt context, “we are our special interest” to us, in the same way “we are our default context” to us and others (though of course, others also see all the times we are partially or fully shifted to alt!).

Note: language is also context specific (caveats), so being non-verbal, is a good clue you’re partially shifted (or just dropped out of one).

And for those with technical roles, with technical special interests, why describing special interests in simple terms is so difficult (noting that synchronising vocabulary or concepts across contexts can be directed while partially or majority shifted).

loads more to say, but yeh. autistic special interest became my most recent special interest, and f-@# me, what a wild ride 🤣