1. Causal state
    1. All universal phenomenal are causal state, of varying {lifecycles; temporal frame; scope}
    2. Causal state is composed; finite legal forms
  2. Phenomenal behaviour
    1. Construction; participation; discontinuation
  3. Phenomenal evaluation
    1. Upon intersection
    2. Conditional, dependent upon extrinsic/ intrinsic circumstances
  4. Energy
    1. Potential/ fields/ forces; temporally relative structure; sub threshold, non-evaluated influence; post-threshold compositional evaluation; causal credit
  5. Matter 1. Relative locality; finite causal encapsulation; evaluation latency {construction; intrinsic cycle}, continuous (cyclical) evaluation of encapsulated intrinsics; relative compositional/ behavioural profile; coordinated potential translation/ constraint; intersection scope {temporal/ causal (remote); chemical (local special); material (local general)}
  6. Phenomenal evolution
    1. Prior: trends in phenomenal discontinuation upon intersection/ evaluation with phenomenally extrinsic circumstances (discontinuation by evaluation of phenomenal intrinsics typically relates to instability of compositional form/ causal cycle: thermodynamics, etc; which however slight, still implicates extrinsics)
    2. Reconstruction/ recomposition such that upon intersection with extrinsic circumstances the evaluation of composition and (respective behaviour) prevents compositional discontinuation
  7. Chemicals
    1. Conditional, finitely incremental phenomenal composition
    2. Upon intersection, the characteristics of chemicals are evaluated
      1. Proximity {remote; local}; scaffold {chemical; special}; base {material; general}
  8. Biology
    1. Biological behaviour
    2. Biological evolution
  9. Cells
  10. Neurones
  11. Neuronal intelligence

Notes from on cognition and computation.

—what came before x, and how do we think of x in those terms?

  • Stack analysis
    • Phenomenal decomposition (down)
    • Compositional reframing (up)

working results, for brevity

Essence :

  1. Space-of-all-potential {container; substrate; alignment; composition}
    1. Conditionality {constraint; finiteness; sufficiency}
    2. Relativity {proximity; sequence; structure; scope}
    3. Mutation {increment; change; behaviour}
  2. Phenomenal {temporal; compositional} evaluation upon intersection; continuation

Substance {energy; matter} :

  1. Intersection
  2. Cumulative intersection
  3. Persisted cumulative intersection
    1. Scope: {intrinsic; extrinsic}
      1. {Temporal; compositional} reference frame
    2. Cycle {intrinsic: continuability; extrinsic: side-effect, catalyst, replicator} 1

Biology {replication; encapsulation; autonomy; etc} :


reference :

  1. Maps to {function; category-theory; fourier; turing; etc} ↩︎