active draft: #tbc

The moment we start persisting representation, and incrementally accruing detail, we need to care about coherence, sameness, and operational efficiency.

  • Detect
  • Persist
  • Accrue
  • Evaluate

Consider the difference between a log-file, and a database.

“note: pointing at structured data, rather than index 1

log file

  • Log files are simplest persistence
    • Partial
    • Doesn’t consolidate
      • Plural representation
    • Can’t accrue and relate
      • Which instance to augment?
  • How to search efficiently?

  • How to avoid wasted resource persisting unsearchable information?

  • How to establish objective sameness?

  • Objective relation?

  • Log files do not benefit survival
    • Plural representation is double counting, confusion
  • Consolidation and optimisation must happen early on, for persistence to be operationally useful


  • (Note: pointing at structured data, rather than index 2)
  • Database refers to a consolidated, associated, representational graph

  1. Also, later discussion on difference between recall and derivation omitted for simplicity at this stage. ↩︎

  2. Also, later discussion on difference between recall and derivation omitted for simplicity at this stage. ↩︎