plural enumeration

Plural enumeration refers to an inherent side-effect of persisted interpreted representation – many maps can refer to the same territory – and without reconciliation, persisted representations are operationally untenable. consider the difference between a log file, and a database #tbc

September 28, 2023 · 40 words

back is down, up from there

“—wut?” Consider all universal phenomena as composition, in an unbroken chain of ancestral constituents, recursive, plural, back to t~0 of the universe. To simplify consideration of the constituents of any descendent phenomena, it is circumstantially useful to consider ancestors in place, at an earlier time of the universe when the set-of-all concerns was smaller. As such, thinking back in time, is circumstantially preferred to thinking down in levels; because it can help to simplify framing of the circumstances within which descendent phenomena originate....

September 27, 2023 · 84 words


Consider: approximately all universal phenomena as composition of interrelated constituents; whereby constituent is ancestral (exited prior), and also a composition (recursive, plural, back to t~0 of the universe) Consider: constituent interrelation describes relative structural arrangement, which in turn instructs patterns (or profile) of conditional behaviour (more is different), such that “relative relation instructs circumstantially evaluated conditional behaviour” Consider: more is different instructs patterns (or profile) of conditional behaviour, by shaping inherited patterns (or profiles) of conditional behaviour from ancestral constituents {continue; discontinue; redirect; transform}; and that in addition to the inheritance and propagation of behaviour, descendent phenomena inherit and propagate implicit constraints, on “the space of all possible legal or stable forms, and behaviours”, circumstantially evaluated....

September 27, 2023 · 117 words


“—what is information?” For biology – consider information as composable substrate invariant mechanistic conditionality. see: map lifecycle #tbc

September 27, 2023 · 18 words

information lifecycle

The information lifecycle extends the map lifecycle into territory. #tbc related: map lifecycle

September 27, 2023 · 13 words

map lifecycle

#tbc The map lifecycle describes characteristic, domain, and perceptive, transformations of map. #fig state: persisted (external) process: interpretation state: persisted (internal) process: operational state process: adopted state process: reified detail: State: persisted (external) {book; map; disk} plurally enumerated information encoded in a substrate of territory Process: interpretation (circumstantially, contextually framed, translated) territory is also interpretable State: persisted (internal) {normalised (on sql); integrated} (learned but not in use) Process: operational (circumstantially, contextually framed; applied, used) (occasional use) State process: adopted (integrated to, and current focus of, active world-view) State process: reified {experience; continuable moments of operational interpretation; circumstantially and contextually framed; world-view integrates plural operational processes to a single aligned frame, or construct } related:...

September 27, 2023 · 126 words

on sql

structured query language (SQL) - Wikipedia “note: normalised and de-normalised data have different meanings to structured relational data (SQL) than general scientific usage, but are handy concepts consider: normalised “rationalised: collapsed to minimal, relational graph” de-normalised “plurally enumerated: enumeration of all of the paths through the graph” Simplifying: normalised data is contextually de-duplicated; de-normalised data “double counts”

September 27, 2023 · 57 words


Consider perspective as transformed, reified map. #fig map lifecycle “territory aligns; our maps ought to” related: unifying perspective #tbc

September 27, 2023 · 19 words

unifying perspective

A unifying perspective does not replace all other perspectives, but rather frames or aligns other perspectives, by context or commonality, respectively.

September 27, 2023 · 21 words

on autist special interest

“how do autists define autistic special interest?” 1 part 1 Consider: The difference between recall and derivation (calculation, or simulation) Consider that the self is the default context for all sensory interpretation That neurotypical minds are majority “default only” And that neuro-diverse minds dynamically create alternate contexts, for specialist interpretation (whenever new formalisms, physics, world building, or complex simulation is required) Think of interpretive contexts as split screen tablet: either fully default; partial alt; majority alt; or fully alt...

September 26, 2023 · 283 words

our situation

For a proud species of sense-makers (humans, generally), it is ironic, often unnoticed and consequently tragic, that the thing we appear to make least sense of, is sense-making itself. We (humans, collectively), lack an objective, fundamentally coherent account of the mind (and cognition) 1. For much of the time, most of us, don’t notice. It simply doesn’t seem to matter. Until it does: We routinely misunderstand ourselves, and others; and others routinely misunderstand us, and themselves In matters of conflict – we tend to consider individuals to be at fault, rather than other more fundamental, or external, causes In matters of the mind (and cognition) – we tend to turn our back on those whose personal circumstances or perspectives, differ too broadly An objective, fundamentally coherent account of the mind (and cognition) is one which aligns fundamental biological constituents of the brain, nervous system and body, with all down-stream circumstances, of phenomenological experience, behaviours, and out....

September 26, 2023 · 156 words



September 25, 2023 · word


Consider catalysis: a catalyst transforms reactant to product. #fig “catalysis consumes reactant, and emits by-product” Consider a catalyst with a secondary side-effect – which further shape-or-influence circumstances. #fig #tbc Consider that shaping-or-influencing also takes input (priors, to shape-or-influence), and also emits (or results in) by-product – whatever has been shaped-or-influenced #fig #tbc Consider that each phenomena fitting this description intersects circumstantial change across two separate domains. #fig “just as an electrical transformer intersects two electrical circuits”...

September 25, 2023 · 92 words



September 25, 2023 · word


overview To survive, animals act autonomously. —but what is autonomy? environmentally synchronised action In it’s most basic form, autonomy is conditional action: plural, conditional, stimulus organism response; or dynamic cause and effect At a high/level, autonomy results from operational (and mechanical) alignment, across plural phenomenal scopes (or levels) of concern 1 : From the physical environment to physical animal implementation, including interpreted representation From interpreted representation to environmentally synchronised action as such, the sequence 1-> 2 -> 3, aligns biology and autonomous agency...

September 25, 2023 · 509 words


Consider catalysis as a fundamental prior of biological mechanisms.

September 25, 2023 · 9 words


Consider catalysis as a fundamental prior of biological mechanisms (including replication: catalyst {step > sequence } -> replicator {step > sequence}) “catalysis consumes reactant, and emits by-product: a catalyst transforms reactant to product 1” Via intermediate form; under specific circumstances. ↩︎

September 25, 2023 · 40 words



September 25, 2023 · word



September 25, 2023 · word



September 25, 2023 · word