
“science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. #tbc

September 25, 2023 · 43 words

fractional account

September 25, 2023 · 0 words

general special

“the general special distinction” #tbc

September 25, 2023 · 5 words


“—what if the mind is not so impossibly complex, intractably mysterious, commonly broken, nor unknowably divine – after all” 1. “f-@# magic” 2. “f-@# apathy” 3. “f-@# redundant complexity” 4. “f-@# institutional gaslight” 1 —What if we had a manual? ↩︎

September 25, 2023 · 40 words



September 25, 2023 · word



September 25, 2023 · word



September 25, 2023 · word


September 25, 2023 · 0 words



September 25, 2023 · word


September 25, 2023 · 0 words



September 25, 2023 · word



September 25, 2023 · word


io questions for psychology and psychiatry

September 25, 2023 · 6 words


io questions for psychology and psychiatry

September 25, 2023 · 6 words



September 25, 2023 · word


“science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 25, 2023 · 121 words



September 25, 2023 · word


Consider that discernment is optimised by: Minimising false positives Minimising false negatives Minimising operational resources requirements, and latency #tbc

September 24, 2023 · 19 words

minimal-viable cognition

minimal-viability: “prefer the simplest explanation, but for territory” interpretation “the basis of cognition is interpretation” Biology, senses, and cognition, evolved. “we distinguish phenomena to survive – to distinguish, we must detect difference” Senses evolved to detect patterns (relative arrangement) of stimuli; patterns become persistable, then recognisable. Persisted, recognisable patterns help identify external phenomena, to improve the circumstances of survival. Mis-identification of external circumstances often worsen the circumstances of survival. “foundations of cognition include ‘distinguishing well’”...

September 24, 2023 · 109 words

on minimal-viable cognition

minimal-viability: “prefer the simplest explanation, but for territory” evolution Biology, senses, and cognition, evolved. “we distinguish phenomena to survive – to distinguish, we must detect difference” Senses evolved to detect patterns (relative arrangement) of stimuli; patterns become persistable, then recognisable. Persisted, recognisable patterns help identify external phenomena, to improve the circumstances of survival. Mis-identification of external circumstances often worsen the circumstances of survival. “foundations of cognition include ‘distinguishing well’” discernment Consider that discernment is optimised by:...

September 24, 2023 · 248 words