
“prefer the simplest explanation; but for territory” Minimal-viability is the outcome of evolutionary and operational constraints of survival. minimal-viable cognition

September 24, 2023 · 20 words

on catalysts

We are the mechanical descendants of catalysts, though we expire and deconstruct, when we run out of reactant. #tbc

September 24, 2023 · 19 words

on machines

How might we describe a machine? #tbc

September 24, 2023 · 7 words

priors peers potential

“of causality” ~All universal phenomena can be thought of in terms of (relative) causal priors, peers, and potential. Priors: discrete pre-existing constituent phenomena; effective phenomenological ancestors of incremental composition Peers: Potential: #tbc

September 24, 2023 · 32 words


De-duplication refers to a pattern of behaviour which evolved to address plural enumeration, a problem innate to map. “plural enumeration refers to an inherent side-effect of persisted interpreted representation – many maps can refer to the same territory – and without reconciliation, persisted “plurally enumerated” representations are operationally untenable” “consider the difference between a log file, and a database (see: on persisted representation)” De-duplication conditionally validates, corrects, consolidates, and optimises, plurally enumerated persisted representations – across all scopes of map (see: map lifecycle)...

September 23, 2023 · 305 words


Emphatically – just because any researcher happens to exist online does not mean that they are-or-ought-to-be obligated to any correspondence with ‘randoms’ (like myself), in any way whatsoever. Emphatically.

September 23, 2023 · 29 words

fundamental foundations

“we are the mechanical descendants of catalysts, though we expire and deconstruct, when we run out of reactant” An evolving sketch of domain substrates: territory > energy > matter > catalyst > transformer > mechanism > organism > map > … > interpretation > … > cognition. Catalyst Step Sequence Replication #tbc redo: graph, not linear

September 23, 2023 · 56 words

on new ideas

Consider a specific kind of new idea: one which illuminates an unnoticed relationship between two familiar concepts, for the first time. Humans refer to this as lateral thinking; and humans pride themselves on the ability to think laterally. Consider that the simplest explanation for this kind of “ability” is as a side-effect of neuronal mechanisms which really must have appeared very early on in the evolution of cognition – in order to distinguish and recognise external phenomena, with minimal evolutionary and operational footprint 1....

September 23, 2023 · 110 words

on testable theories

where ought we go with our testable theories? Emphatically – just because any researcher happens to exist online does not mean that they are-or-ought-to-be obligated to any correspondence with ‘randoms’ (like myself), in any way whatsoever. Emphatically. —where though for legitimate questions? —where ought we go to synchronise language and concepts, sufficient to solicit feedback on clear, testable, observables?

September 23, 2023 · 59 words

on the modern tradition

If “modern” research is constrained by the decisions of ghosts – no longer questionable or correctable – then whatever position is held to be the case, is far closer in rigor to prior dogmas, than “modern” ideals presume to espouse. Who fixes? Who notices?

September 23, 2023 · 44 words

questions for psychology and psychiatry

Open questions for psychology, and psychiatry. Background: Here a psychologist and psychiatrist discuss “advancing neuroscientific understanding of brain-behaviour relationship”: specifically “the gap in understanding, between the brain 1 and behaviour” I hope to better understand how different specialists within the broader fields of psychology and psychiatry perceive this “gap in understanding” I’m curious to understand: How often this “gap in understanding” is considered, within different specialisms of psychology? The range of expectations across respective specialists, on what “illumination of this space” may reveal To what degree a formalised scientific account of introspection (including and objectively reframed meditation practice) might benefit illumination and interrogation of “the gap” The situation of “psychiatric-claim” on circumstances associated with “mental disorders”; and the degree to which psychology ought to present non-judgemental interpretations of the same circumstances, as appropriate tbh, any insights you feel happy to share, will be gratefully received!...

September 23, 2023 · 163 words

terry pratchett on useful but not correct

Terry Pratchett on the difference between useful and correct 1. “‘useful but not correct’ theories-of-mind, give the illusion of circumstantially comprehensive coverage – but closer inspection reveals gaps in understanding – frayed interpretation around edges – and in practice 2 fall apart altogether, when life cobbles your path” Thanks to Church of Jeff. ↩︎ When representation hits the road. ↩︎

September 23, 2023 · 58 words

alignment  [draft]

active draft: #tbc the overarching theme of this project is alignment, – which described plainly, refers to several ways in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another, across arbitrarily any scope of concerns 1 constraint structure behaviour general special composition map territory geometry graph set phenomenal trace tiling see: alignment word cloud Each term and concept above, are different and distinctly useful ways to perceive phenomenal alignment – and importantly, when we hold them all up together, in the right way, in the right light, each intersects with the others as formal, self-verifying whole 2...

September 22, 2023 · 162 words

universal phenomena

Universal phenomena: “everything—every {object; collection; composition; mechanism; process; circuit; dimension; idea; perspective; aspect; etc}” #tbc

September 10, 2023 · 15 words

alignment before distinction

“distract ye not” Territory aligns: our maps ought to. “science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. musing “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 1, 2023 · 130 words

objective criticism

For this objective exposition: criticism of x is no more “anti x”, than filing a bug repost is “anti-software”

September 1, 2023 · 19 words


What is truth? Fundamentally, territory is truth. Truth is also a measure of alignment, intersection, continuity, consilience, and coherence, across the circumstances of {map; territory; or both} Discontinuity hampers the interpretation and evaluation of truth. we best assess truth by minimal-viable account #tbc

September 1, 2023 · 43 words