io - charlie - metaphor 2

a follow-up to io - charlie - metaphor Great… this is fun! – Charlie (Charlie Munford @) Yes it is! –i’m enjoying this process! intro Overall, yes I can accept your definition of metaphor as a subset of all arbitrarily produced abstractions…the abstractions that say something important or useful for minds aiming to understand the world. But I think I disagree that there is anything universal about such truths, simply because I think minds are almost infinitely diverse, all the way down to true minds in single cells (and there are single-celled organisms, gut microbiota, in our minds)....

April 4, 2024 · 1916 words

phenomenal behaviour

trace: alignment > phenomenal composition > phenomenal structure > phenomenal behaviour

November 11, 2023 · 11 words

phenomenal structure

trace: alignment > phenomenal composition > phenomenal structure

November 11, 2023 · 8 words

alignment word cloud

#tbc eventually… Alignment; intersection; comparability; equivalence; evaluation; iteration; Potential; couple; relation: continuity, continuous, continuable, continuation; coherence; consilience; concordance; Cessation; decouple; isolation; discontinuity, discontinuous, isolated, break; incoherence; conflict; incompatibility; Constraint, structure, behaviour; interpretation; representation; Composition, constituent; prior, peer, potential; intrinsic, extrinsic, scope, context; Proximity; tolerance; threshold; condition; Map, territory; general, special;

November 10, 2023 · 50 words

on constraint, structure, and behaviour

constraint constraint structure behaviour background The overarching theme of this project is alignment, – which described plainly, refers to several ways in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another, across arbitrary scopes of concern 1. We evolved the means to interpret phenomenal alignment in several distinct-though-related ways: Constraint structure behaviour General special Composition Map territory Geometry graph set Phenomenal trace Tiling Here we focus on constraint, structure, behaviour 2....

November 10, 2023 · 612 words

io - nate introspection

*“a discussion on introspection (and metacognition) with nate, which follows a reframing of a quote from the book ‘Wetware, by Dennis Bray’, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” 1 2 responses: io - nate introspection response #1. toots - introduction #2. toots - nate #3. toots - themanual4am #4. toots - nate #5. question answer breakdown #6. discussion #abstract #objectives #metaphors #introspection as lens #introspection as physical training #introspection as exploration #summary #the common frame #system signal distinction (consciousness and contents) #aligning by the common frame (yoga) #familiarity #notes #notes on jhana, zen, etc #notes on formal reconciliation of phenomenological experience #building up from the common frame 1....

October 19, 2023 · 3852 words

io - nate introspection framing

@[email protected] active draft #tbc “a discussion on introspection with nate, following reference to a quote from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” [[#1. Introduction]] [[#2. Nate]] [[#3. Themanual4am]] [[#4. Nate]] [[#5. Themanual4am]] [[#system signal distinction (consciousness and contents)]] [[#the lens]] [[#aligning by the common frame]] 1. introduction taken from from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray I imagine many active scientists have something of a (gender neutral) “nostalgic science boner” for this period of time and discovery....

October 19, 2023 · 1783 words

on mathematics, map and territory

what are we studying when we are doing mathematics? map and territory Consider map and territory 1 2: Science interprets territory, formally, to compose representational maps Engineering composes (or shapes) territory, by applying map to circumstances, through action Mathematics, central to science and engineering, formalises cartography and navigation of map and territory, and more: mathematics charts the form and characteristics 3 of the nexus 4 between map and territory – fundamentals of constraint, structure and behaviour 5, of interpretation, representation, and cognition 6 alignment Consider that:...

October 15, 2023 · 676 words

alignment  [draft]

active draft: #tbc the overarching theme of this project is alignment, – which described plainly, refers to several ways in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another, across arbitrarily any scope of concerns 1 constraint structure behaviour general special composition map territory geometry graph set phenomenal trace tiling see: alignment word cloud Each term and concept above, are different and distinctly useful ways to perceive phenomenal alignment – and importantly, when we hold them all up together, in the right way, in the right light, each intersects with the others as formal, self-verifying whole 2...

September 22, 2023 · 162 words

alignment before distinction

“distract ye not” Territory aligns: our maps ought to. “science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. musing “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 1, 2023 · 130 words


What is truth? Fundamentally, territory is truth. Truth is also a measure of alignment, intersection, continuity, consilience, and coherence, across the circumstances of {map; territory; or both} Discontinuity hampers the interpretation and evaluation of truth. we best assess truth by minimal-viable account #tbc

September 1, 2023 · 43 words