io - charlie - metaphor 2

a follow-up to io - charlie - metaphor Great… this is fun! – Charlie (Charlie Munford @) Yes it is! –i’m enjoying this process! intro Overall, yes I can accept your definition of metaphor as a subset of all arbitrarily produced abstractions…the abstractions that say something important or useful for minds aiming to understand the world. But I think I disagree that there is anything universal about such truths, simply because I think minds are almost infinitely diverse, all the way down to true minds in single cells (and there are single-celled organisms, gut microbiota, in our minds)....

April 4, 2024 · 1916 words

adaptive autonomy

consider: Neurones as informational adaptation; or configuration (for physical adaptations) The first neurone implemented a threshold condition for stimulus organism response 1 Neurones as a homogeneous substrate to implement arbitrary conditional response Adaptive autonomy refers to momentary neuronal evolutionary lifecycle: the idea that initially the material structure and value of neuronal conditionality was tied to generational evolution (just as physical adaptations) (see fixed autonomy) Later, adaptive autonomy followed the decoupling of neuronal conditionality from generational evolutionary lifecycles (of physical animals), by learning....

January 7, 2024 · 86 words


Sample (physical) Symbol (interpreted) Core (reinterpretation) Area (inferred) 1 history Fixed autonomy: inherited; instinct 2 Adaptive autonomy: learning, interpreted Meta interpretation ↩︎ Pre-learning: probably expulsion/ repulsion ↩︎

January 7, 2024 · 25 words

fixed autonomy

consider: Neurones evolved as informational adaptation; or configuration (for physical adaptations) The first neurone implemented a threshold condition for stimulus organism response 1 Neurones as a homogeneous substrate to implement arbitrary conditional response fixed autonomy refers to generational neuronal evolutionary lifecycle: the idea that the ‘first neurones’ did not exist within a sophisticated system for dynamic neuronal associations during an animals lifetime. and as such, any conditionality implemented by neurones, was inherited (instinct)....

January 7, 2024 · 119 words


see: autonomy [- For biological autonomy, motivation aligns autonomous: potential, intent, action, and outcome. -] notes Motivation Phenomenological experience Operational anti-contentment budget Allocated to match Potential Satisfaction Significance Cost Future phenomenal intersection Motivation aligns autonomous: potential, intent, action, and outcome Motivation aligns representation with presence, via action Dimensions Stimulus organism response Organism does a lot of heavy lifting here Autonomy Motivation aligns significance with action Biology with behaviour Conditionally applied Circumstantially evaluated Motivation is operationalised significance Motivation is transformer Which aligns across nexus

December 29, 2023 · 83 words



September 25, 2023 · word


overview To survive, animals act autonomously. —but what is autonomy? environmentally synchronised action In it’s most basic form, autonomy is conditional action: plural, conditional, stimulus organism response; or dynamic cause and effect At a high/level, autonomy results from operational (and mechanical) alignment, across plural phenomenal scopes (or levels) of concern 1 : From the physical environment to physical animal implementation, including interpreted representation From interpreted representation to environmentally synchronised action as such, the sequence 1-> 2 -> 3, aligns biology and autonomous agency...

September 25, 2023 · 509 words