
Consider catalysis as a fundamental prior of biological mechanisms.

September 25, 2023 · 9 words


Consider catalysis as a fundamental prior of biological mechanisms (including replication: catalyst {step > sequence } -> replicator {step > sequence}) “catalysis consumes reactant, and emits by-product: a catalyst transforms reactant to product 1” Via intermediate form; under specific circumstances. ↩︎

September 25, 2023 · 40 words

fundamental foundations

“we are the mechanical descendants of catalysts, though we expire and deconstruct, when we run out of reactant” An evolving sketch of domain substrates: territory > energy > matter > catalyst > transformer > mechanism > organism > map > … > interpretation > … > cognition. Catalyst Step Sequence Replication #tbc redo: graph, not linear

September 23, 2023 · 56 words