on coherence and constraints

ours is a coherent universe —what does that mean? I mean coherent in the colloquial sense: consistent throughout; plurally concordant; joined-up, aligned. In our universe, things happen for a reason. We may not always know what that reason is – but there is always one, just waiting to be found. Consider : That event B, happens for a reason, A That reason A, is also an event (and one which occurred earlier in time that event B), and That events A, B, relate to one another – A caused B We might then say : That event B, exists within the space-of-all potential (possible futures) of event A (Or observe retrospectively) that event A Exists within the space-of-all priors, of event B Satisfies the space-of-necessary priors, for event B, to occur That event A, was sufficient to cause event B That event A, necessarily caused event B However described, universal events relate in specific ways, which when taken together, align every single event throughout the history of our universe, to a coherent whole: consistent throughout; plurally concordant; joined-up, aligned....

November 24, 2023 · 1042 words

the improbable yet elementary case - the gist

the gist The improbable yet elementary case: describes several mutually-consistent mathematical accounts of the way in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another (across arbitrary scopes/ domains of concern) – and builds to simple, inescapable, albeit counter-intuitive, #conclusions. The following is an attempt to describe the case in prose, and is taken from a mastodon thread with @[email protected]. map territory —have you ever considered the difference between: 1. a ’theory of everything’, and 2....

November 19, 2023 · 1520 words