io - charlie - metaphor 2

a follow-up to io - charlie - metaphor Great… this is fun! – Charlie (Charlie Munford @) Yes it is! –i’m enjoying this process! intro Overall, yes I can accept your definition of metaphor as a subset of all arbitrarily produced abstractions…the abstractions that say something important or useful for minds aiming to understand the world. But I think I disagree that there is anything universal about such truths, simply because I think minds are almost infinitely diverse, all the way down to true minds in single cells (and there are single-celled organisms, gut microbiota, in our minds)....

April 4, 2024 · 1916 words

on coherence and constraints

ours is a coherent universe —what does that mean? I mean coherent in the colloquial sense: consistent throughout; plurally concordant; joined-up, aligned. In our universe, things happen for a reason. We may not always know what that reason is – but there is always one, just waiting to be found. Consider : That event B, happens for a reason, A That reason A, is also an event (and one which occurred earlier in time that event B), and That events A, B, relate to one another – A caused B We might then say : That event B, exists within the space-of-all potential (possible futures) of event A (Or observe retrospectively) that event A Exists within the space-of-all priors, of event B Satisfies the space-of-necessary priors, for event B, to occur That event A, was sufficient to cause event B That event A, necessarily caused event B However described, universal events relate in specific ways, which when taken together, align every single event throughout the history of our universe, to a coherent whole: consistent throughout; plurally concordant; joined-up, aligned....

November 24, 2023 · 1042 words

the improbable yet elementary case - the gist

the gist The improbable yet elementary case: describes several mutually-consistent mathematical accounts of the way in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another (across arbitrary scopes/ domains of concern) – and builds to simple, inescapable, albeit counter-intuitive, #conclusions. The following is an attempt to describe the case in prose, and is taken from a mastodon thread with @[email protected]. map territory —have you ever considered the difference between: 1. a ’theory of everything’, and 2....

November 19, 2023 · 1520 words

structural constraint prototype

November 16, 2023 · 0 words


Constraints describe conditions of {conditional, or; unconditional} discontinuation, relative to any (structural, or behavioural) possibility-space: Interpreted constraints – describe contrived conditional limitations, which artificially segment respective possibility-space 1 Innate constraints – describe conditions of phenomenal boundary, which demarcate respective possibility-space, to exclude relative impossibility-space 2 Related: Structural constraint prototype [&F on constraint structure behaviour]] {Map; violable; infinite; contextually restrictive} ↩︎ {Territory; inviolable; finite; contextually permissive} ↩︎

November 10, 2023 · 64 words

on constraint, structure, and behaviour

constraint constraint structure behaviour background The overarching theme of this project is alignment, – which described plainly, refers to several ways in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another, across arbitrary scopes of concern 1. We evolved the means to interpret phenomenal alignment in several distinct-though-related ways: Constraint structure behaviour General special Composition Map territory Geometry graph set Phenomenal trace Tiling Here we focus on constraint, structure, behaviour 2....

November 10, 2023 · 612 words