io - charlie - metaphor 2

a follow-up to io - charlie - metaphor Great… this is fun! – Charlie (Charlie Munford @) Yes it is! –i’m enjoying this process! intro Overall, yes I can accept your definition of metaphor as a subset of all arbitrarily produced abstractions…the abstractions that say something important or useful for minds aiming to understand the world. But I think I disagree that there is anything universal about such truths, simply because I think minds are almost infinitely diverse, all the way down to true minds in single cells (and there are single-celled organisms, gut microbiota, in our minds)....

April 4, 2024 · 1916 words


Constraints describe conditions of {conditional, or; unconditional} discontinuation, relative to any (structural, or behavioural) possibility-space: Interpreted constraints – describe contrived conditional limitations, which artificially segment respective possibility-space 1 Innate constraints – describe conditions of phenomenal boundary, which demarcate respective possibility-space, to exclude relative impossibility-space 2 Related: Structural constraint prototype [&F on constraint structure behaviour]] {Map; violable; infinite; contextually restrictive} ↩︎ {Territory; inviolable; finite; contextually permissive} ↩︎

November 10, 2023 · 64 words