
“science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 25, 2023 · 121 words

on testable theories

where ought we go with our testable theories? Emphatically – just because any researcher happens to exist online does not mean that they are-or-ought-to-be obligated to any correspondence with ‘randoms’ (like myself), in any way whatsoever. Emphatically. —where though for legitimate questions? —where ought we go to synchronise language and concepts, sufficient to solicit feedback on clear, testable, observables?

September 23, 2023 · 59 words