
an eventual list of distinction used throughout this site 1 Distinctions include : Map, territory Idea, implementation (implementation plurality) Process, state Objective-state, intermediate-state {staging; iteration} (for evolution, every iteration is objective state – but the objective keeps changing! – ‘intermediates’ is a retrospective term here) Constructor, evaluator (distinct/ two step) Composition, constituent (more is different: fractional accounting; how relative structure {constrains; shapes} inherited {circumstances; potential}) Prior, derivation (more is different: through time; temporal; trend) Essence, substrate (more is different: composed/ relative form/ possibility; material form/ possibility/ scope) Tree, space {material/ aligned/ evaluated/ result; possibility/ scope} Intrinsic, extrinsic (boundary; decoupling) Continuation, discontinuation {alignment; break (symmetry)} Step, sequence (continuation {constraint; structure; behaviour}) Closed, open {progression/ cycle; complete/ release} Director, directed (conditional cross scope translation: territory -> map -> territory) Sequenced, unsequenced {planned, unplanned; directed, undirected; coupled, decoupled} {mutation; potential; constraint} (consider also error checking, evaluation) Individual, system {scientist, science; engineer, engineering} #tbc notably, all interrelate, to compose and describe fundamental mechanisms and scenes thereof ↩︎

April 19, 2024 · 162 words

minimal-viable distinction

“minimal-viability is the inevitable outcome of evolutionary and operational constraints on survival” “prefer the simplest explanation; but for territory” Biology optimises for survival – we ought to consider the evolution of interpreted distinction, in terms of minimal-viability: “—what is the least amount of biological implementation (evolution) and information (operation) required to distinguish well?” The problem with “minimally-viable distinctions”, is knowing in advance “the space of all future circumstances” through which any minimally-viable distinction must remain distinct....

September 29, 2023 · 174 words


“science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 25, 2023 · 121 words


Consider that discernment is optimised by: Minimising false positives Minimising false negatives Minimising operational resources requirements, and latency #tbc

September 24, 2023 · 19 words

alignment before distinction

“distract ye not” Territory aligns: our maps ought to. “science speculates, to resolve the composition of territory to map; engineering speculates to re-compose territory from applicable maps” However where science narrows perspective to isolate every finer distinctions, engineering must always consider the broader context, within which any re-composed territory must survive. musing “criticism of x is no more ‘anti x’, than filing a bug report is ‘anti-software’” Science (the scientific endeavour at large), has become “the study of distinction, above all else”....

September 1, 2023 · 130 words