io - nate introspection

*“a discussion on introspection (and metacognition) with nate, which follows a reframing of a quote from the book ‘Wetware, by Dennis Bray’, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” 1 2 responses: io - nate introspection response #1. toots - introduction #2. toots - nate #3. toots - themanual4am #4. toots - nate #5. question answer breakdown #6. discussion #abstract #objectives #metaphors #introspection as lens #introspection as physical training #introspection as exploration #summary #the common frame #system signal distinction (consciousness and contents) #aligning by the common frame (yoga) #familiarity #notes #notes on jhana, zen, etc #notes on formal reconciliation of phenomenological experience #building up from the common frame 1....

October 19, 2023 · 3852 words

io - nate introspection framing

@[email protected] active draft #tbc “a discussion on introspection with nate, following reference to a quote from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” [[#1. Introduction]] [[#2. Nate]] [[#3. Themanual4am]] [[#4. Nate]] [[#5. Themanual4am]] [[#system signal distinction (consciousness and contents)]] [[#the lens]] [[#aligning by the common frame]] 1. introduction taken from from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray I imagine many active scientists have something of a (gender neutral) “nostalgic science boner” for this period of time and discovery....

October 19, 2023 · 1783 words

alignment  [draft]

active draft: #tbc the overarching theme of this project is alignment, – which described plainly, refers to several ways in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another, across arbitrarily any scope of concerns 1 constraint structure behaviour general special composition map territory geometry graph set phenomenal trace tiling see: alignment word cloud Each term and concept above, are different and distinctly useful ways to perceive phenomenal alignment – and importantly, when we hold them all up together, in the right way, in the right light, each intersects with the others as formal, self-verifying whole 2...

September 22, 2023 · 162 words