io - charlie - metaphor 2

a follow-up to io - charlie - metaphor Great… this is fun! – Charlie (Charlie Munford @) Yes it is! –i’m enjoying this process! intro Overall, yes I can accept your definition of metaphor as a subset of all arbitrarily produced abstractions…the abstractions that say something important or useful for minds aiming to understand the world. But I think I disagree that there is anything universal about such truths, simply because I think minds are almost infinitely diverse, all the way down to true minds in single cells (and there are single-celled organisms, gut microbiota, in our minds)....

April 4, 2024 · 1916 words

io - charlie - metaphor

A response to points raised in an email from Charlie Munford @. charlie Thanks for sending your piece “On Cognition and Computation!” (on cognition and computation) Here are a few thoughts, fwiw. Just musing, feel free to interpret however you like. section 1 I think of all communication, including computation, as metaphorical, because it is only a metaphor that can connect two umwelts together. Two organisms have to have some common sort of experience in their respective umwelts for something to be transmitted between them that counts as semantically meaningful....

March 21, 2024 · 2026 words

io - nietzche - on truth and lies in a nonmoral sense

March 21, 2024 · 0 words

io - writing accessibility - notes

this post was prompted by a thread started by @[email protected], and a subsequent post by @[email protected]. thanks to both! The accessibility of scientific writing matters; but not all scientific writing is accessible. —why? –what can be done? #tbc

January 14, 2024 · 38 words

io - nate - the ai-alignment problem

Continuation of a conversation with @[email protected] about deconstructing the approach of NCA (neural cellular automata)/ ML generally – which led to insights on describing the ai-alignment problem in terms of : This project Present-day-ai the conversation yes, i think differently on that first point though, because establishing what the first few stages are, instructs how subsequent derived layers compose and augment (ideally, and high-dimensionally) Following that, we can probably skip a bunch to NCA kinda level (albeit a differently defined problem and solution), say, and end up with something ’truer’, more broadly applicable...

December 22, 2023 · 813 words

io - nate - nca paper

A conversation with @[email protected] about: Neural Cellular Automata Manifold Alejandro Hernandez, Armand Vilalta, Francesc Moreno-Noguer #Overview (initial analysis of the paper) #Nate #Themanual4am overview objective The purpose of this exercise is to challenge the {approach; methods; phenomena-invariant model} central to this project, by application to this technical NCA paper (a domain which I am not familiar) approach The approach might be described reckon, reason, reconcile: First pass is {intuition; broad and-or general contextual alignment} Then built-up or built-in, iteratively, while ensuring compliance with initial constraints like establishing working integration tests firsts, before embarking on further development/ refactor proper...

December 15, 2023 · 2178 words

io - nate - boden

Notes on boden (margaret): creativity and artificial intelligence. i love this paper. i think it sits at an intersect between: de-duplication (and the pattern) and; puzzle space of the improbable yet elementary case - the gist, and on coherence and constraints. it will be a very useful reference 1, 2, 3, #tbc boden 1 AI techniques can be used to create new ideas in three ways: By producing novel combinations of familiar ideas By exploring the potential of conceptual spaces And by making transformations that enable the generation of previously impossible ideas reinterpreted (tentative #tbc ):...

December 7, 2023 · 596 words

io - nate - lackoff

very interesting, thank you Nate only a quick scan, but very relatable, in various ways due to limited time, these notes will appear more abrupt than i intend – I don’t mean to pick on lackoff here – initially, I point-out and align differences between takes, explicitly (philosophy books often seem like i’m being forced to decide between straw-men?) background on defining ‘sets’ i’m not sure what ’limitations of sets’ are meant to be...

November 13, 2023 · 1848 words

io - nate

Io - Nate initial sync Io - Nate sync 20230930 Io - Nate introspection Io - Nate thomas nagel Io - Nate - lackoff Io - Nate - boden Io - Nate - nca paper Io - Nate - the ai-alignment problem

October 31, 2023 · 42 words

io - thomas nagel

io - thomas nagel - the martian

October 31, 2023 · 7 words


conversations and other external synchronisation Io - Questions for psychology and psychiatry Io - Nate Io - Hofstadter - surfaces and essences

October 19, 2023 · 22 words

io - nate introspection

*“a discussion on introspection (and metacognition) with nate, which follows a reframing of a quote from the book ‘Wetware, by Dennis Bray’, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” 1 2 responses: io - nate introspection response #1. toots - introduction #2. toots - nate #3. toots - themanual4am #4. toots - nate #5. question answer breakdown #6. discussion #abstract #objectives #metaphors #introspection as lens #introspection as physical training #introspection as exploration #summary #the common frame #system signal distinction (consciousness and contents) #aligning by the common frame (yoga) #familiarity #notes #notes on jhana, zen, etc #notes on formal reconciliation of phenomenological experience #building up from the common frame 1....

October 19, 2023 · 3852 words

io - nate introspection framing

@[email protected] active draft #tbc “a discussion on introspection with nate, following reference to a quote from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray, comparing introspection with early biological discoveries using a microscope” [[#1. Introduction]] [[#2. Nate]] [[#3. Themanual4am]] [[#4. Nate]] [[#5. Themanual4am]] [[#system signal distinction (consciousness and contents)]] [[#the lens]] [[#aligning by the common frame]] 1. introduction taken from from the book Wetware, by Dennis Bray I imagine many active scientists have something of a (gender neutral) “nostalgic science boner” for this period of time and discovery....

October 19, 2023 · 1783 words

io - nate sync - 20230930

Ah great, delighted that you find this interesting (because I do!). And for the push back, thank you. from below: “i really cannot overstate how much i appreciate your illumination of present approaches and terms, so that i might synchronise. so helpful, thank you” nate: “I agree, de-duplication is fundamental to intelligence. In fact, I like the suggestion that metaphor came before cognition. This fits really well with the story of evolution, since it’s much easier to see interacting molecules as ‘metaphors’ than to see them as ’thought’”...

October 1, 2023 · 1576 words

io - nate initial sync

Hello Nate! Ok, firstly, thank you. I appreciate this conversation tremendously! The de-duplication question first: #de-duplication Then address some of the referred concepts: #synchronising terms and concepts de-duplication Regarding my question about “de-duplication”, as relates to “new ideas” i’ve sketched out some context: de-duplication de-duplication origin de-duplication new ideas synchronising terms and concepts “a catch-up synchronisation of terms and concepts based on your posts so far” mechanics An abstract mathematical account of change, cause and effect causality/ causation Note: I dislike up/ down causation and levels as both are one-dimensional; I prefer casual participation/ peers, and participatory scope, for reasons the gap This project began with identifying phenomena unrepresented by present science (observable and testable conditional cognitive mechanics)....

September 28, 2023 · 640 words

questions for psychology and psychiatry

Open questions for psychology, and psychiatry. Background: Here a psychologist and psychiatrist discuss “advancing neuroscientific understanding of brain-behaviour relationship”: specifically “the gap in understanding, between the brain 1 and behaviour” I hope to better understand how different specialists within the broader fields of psychology and psychiatry perceive this “gap in understanding” I’m curious to understand: How often this “gap in understanding” is considered, within different specialisms of psychology? The range of expectations across respective specialists, on what “illumination of this space” may reveal To what degree a formalised scientific account of introspection (including and objectively reframed meditation practice) might benefit illumination and interrogation of “the gap” The situation of “psychiatric-claim” on circumstances associated with “mental disorders”; and the degree to which psychology ought to present non-judgemental interpretations of the same circumstances, as appropriate tbh, any insights you feel happy to share, will be gratefully received!...

September 23, 2023 · 163 words