
we routinely speak past each other, using different words for the same things, and the same words, for different things While physical movement shapes circumstances by direct manipulation; language influences circumstances by proxy, albeit only when interpreted 1. Language is a (lossy) knowledge synchronisation protocol Knowledge is a (high-dimensional) relational, representational graph (of sensory conditions, and derived forms) which:- Cannot be synchronised directly (by natural means) Is the evaluable artefact (state), of embodied sensory {cognitive; interpretive} operation(s) (processes), which equates to {cognitive; interpretive, and; behavioural} conditionality We use language to externally synchronise (and validate) accrued knowledge; to communicate Communication is linear (words are a linear sequence of letters; phrases and sentences are a linear sequence of words, etc), and as such to communicate knowledge (whether by speaking or writing, in words, phrases or sentences), knowledge must be serialised (into language) Language:- serialisation includes two several dimensions {encoding; expression} (in practice, expressions become composite encodings) #tbc this will be updated to refer to conceptual-domain and layers of communication-domain Deserialisation is dependent upon knowledge {high-dimensional graph; embedding; etc}, for interpreting, and decoding Language is inherently ambiguous, because:- The same letters apply to arbitrarily-many words The same words apply to arbitrarily-many sentences The same words and sentences apply to arbitrarily-many situations every legal sequence of letters, words and sentences, might mean different things in different situations, and as such, must be interpreted contextually 2 Serialisation equates to isolating, ordering and sequencing nodes and node-relationships, of an unordered, arbitrarily associated, and (generally) continuable, graph A graph segment 3 is a operationally isolated selection/ scope of nodes and node-relations 4 The process and result of isolating a graph segment is somewhat dependent upon pre-exiting representation, within active and possible contexts of interpretation Any non-trivial graph segment is plurally enumerable (more than one possible sequence); might serialise to arbitrarily many distinct ordered sequences, of expression Plural enumeration -> plural sequential expressions?...

January 18, 2024 · 1235 words