minimal-viable distinction

“minimal-viability is the inevitable outcome of evolutionary and operational constraints on survival” “prefer the simplest explanation; but for territory” Biology optimises for survival – we ought to consider the evolution of interpreted distinction, in terms of minimal-viability: “—what is the least amount of biological implementation (evolution) and information (operation) required to distinguish well?” The problem with “minimally-viable distinctions”, is knowing in advance “the space of all future circumstances” through which any minimally-viable distinction must remain distinct....

September 29, 2023 · 174 words

minimal-viable cognition

minimal-viability: “prefer the simplest explanation, but for territory” interpretation “the basis of cognition is interpretation” Biology, senses, and cognition, evolved. “we distinguish phenomena to survive – to distinguish, we must detect difference” Senses evolved to detect patterns (relative arrangement) of stimuli; patterns become persistable, then recognisable. Persisted, recognisable patterns help identify external phenomena, to improve the circumstances of survival. Mis-identification of external circumstances often worsen the circumstances of survival. “foundations of cognition include ‘distinguishing well’”...

September 24, 2023 · 109 words

on minimal-viable cognition

minimal-viability: “prefer the simplest explanation, but for territory” evolution Biology, senses, and cognition, evolved. “we distinguish phenomena to survive – to distinguish, we must detect difference” Senses evolved to detect patterns (relative arrangement) of stimuli; patterns become persistable, then recognisable. Persisted, recognisable patterns help identify external phenomena, to improve the circumstances of survival. Mis-identification of external circumstances often worsen the circumstances of survival. “foundations of cognition include ‘distinguishing well’” discernment Consider that discernment is optimised by:...

September 24, 2023 · 248 words


“prefer the simplest explanation; but for territory” Minimal-viability is the outcome of evolutionary and operational constraints of survival. minimal-viable cognition

September 24, 2023 · 20 words