the improbable yet elementary case - the gist

the gist The improbable yet elementary case: describes several mutually-consistent mathematical accounts of the way in which (arbitrarily any) universal phenomena relate to one another (across arbitrary scopes/ domains of concern) – and builds to simple, inescapable, albeit counter-intuitive, #conclusions. The following is an attempt to describe the case in prose, and is taken from a mastodon thread with @[email protected]. map territory —have you ever considered the difference between: 1. a ’theory of everything’, and 2....

November 19, 2023 · 1520 words

the improbable yet elementary case

a mathematical paradigmatic mashup—Thomas Kuhn vs map territory vs set theory a reinterpretation of Thomas Kuhn’s ‘on the structure of scientific revolutions’, through the lens of set-theory(-ish) mathematics note: consider all set-theory as pseudo-set-theory; a means for a novice mathematician to express ideas in less time and fewer words, than a similarly novice writer might, in prose. the gist: the improbable yet elementary case - the gist The improbable yet elementary case (pdf)...

November 12, 2023 · 132 words