“side-effects of cross-contextual de-duplication

de-duplication is sufficient to account for:

  • Lateral thinking
    • Re-contextualisation
  • Generalisation
    • Contextually, objectively, similar entry-point to common constituent
  • Metaphor
    • Contextually, objectively, dissimilar entry-point to common constituent
  • Lateral, general, metaphorical problem-solving

“interpretive contexts evolve to address a fundamental problem with abstract information (map): minimal-viable distinction

As map complexity (and lifecycle) evolves 1, and interpretation occurs across multiple interpretive contexts simultaneously, de-duplication also occurs across distinct interpretive contexts.

At the scope of interpretive contexts, representation includes symbols, patterns, trends (temporal pattern), and collations – modelled objects (concepts),

“de-duplicated fragments of modelled-objects include constituents, also patterns, trends and modelled objects”

A side-effect of “de-duplication to minimise resource requirements and latency for future pattern matching” across interpretive contexts, is material association of objectively different phenomena.

Lateral thinking depends upon association of objectively different phenomena.

Different; similar; disimilar.

“de-duplication can account for lateral thinking and intuition”

A side-effect of “de-duplication of fragments of modelled objects, which includes constituents of {patterns; trends; and modelled objects}”, is isomorphic isolation of isomorphisms between objectively different phenomena.

Generalisations are isomorphisms between objectively different phenomena.

“de-duplication can account for generalisation, and perceptive intuition”

Metaphors are isomorphisms between objectively different phenomena.

“de-duplication can account for metaphor and metaphorical intuition”

A side-effect of lateral associations for cognitive operations tasked with problem solving, is lateral problem solving “thinking outside of the box”

“de-duplication can account for lateral problem solving intuition”

To make the point again:

For practical reasons de-duplication is an early development (pre-cognition), so these achievements {lateral thinking and problem solving; generalisation and metaphorical intuition} might also be.

“note: generalisations and metaphors exist at the concept level, so despite lack of language (and self-indulgent philosophical discussions, like this) tangential navigation of conceptual focus, through metaphor-like-association, may also deliver similarly fundamental intuitions”

“related note: operationally, de-duplication is necessarily and offline edit 2 so must occur when interpretation contexts are offline (so during sleep, or specific meditative states)

“one general consequence of offline edits is an new awareness of insights and unusual relationships between objectively different phenomena, upon waking (and access of respective concepts)

  1. Through patterns, trends, and collations. ↩︎

  2. Prompt for info. ↩︎