De-duplication refers to a pattern of behaviour which evolved to address plural enumeration, a problem innate to map.

“plural enumeration refers to an inherent side-effect of persisted interpreted representation – many maps can refer to the same territory – and without reconciliation, persisted “plurally enumerated” representations are operationally untenable”

“consider the difference between a log file, and a database (see: on persisted representation)

De-duplication conditionally validates, corrects, consolidates, and optimises, plurally enumerated persisted representations – across all scopes of map (see: map lifecycle)

Each scope will be addressed separately, in domain specific terms, however de-duplication generally refers to the (common) fundamental mechanism (or isomorphism), sufficient to address plural enumeration across all scopes of map.

De-duplication is necessary, because interpretation inherently plurally enumerates; and unchecked plural enumeration leads to contextually incoherent representations – confusion.

“the origin of map de-duplication is described here: de-duplication origin

De-duplication of equivalent representational fragments, consolidates.

Consolidated representation establishes objective sameness, which is a precursor to coherent relation (eg. Present location to known location), objective relation is a precursor to objective comprehension.

Later, de-duplication of fractional-or-constituent-fragments optimise interpretation, in several ways:

  1. Minimise resource requirements and latency for ongoing interpretation (iterative, incremental scope pattern matching operations) and evaluation (contextually framed assessment)
  2. Side-effects – which account for aspects of cognition and intelligence inherent in “housekeeping” biological informational persistence 1 – specific forms of new ideas, and insights (see: de-duplication new ideas)

de-duplication is sufficient to account for:

  • lateral thinking (re-contextualisation)
    • generalisation: contextually and objectively similar entry-point to common constituent
    • metaphor: contextually and objectively dissimilar entry-point to common constituent
  • lateral, general, metaphorical problem-solving

“by consolidating and optimising interpreted representation, de-duplication improves the circumstances of survival”

Later still, we observe problems caused by unreconciled plural enumeration, across all isolated scientific disciplines.


  1. Important note: the system of cognition is distinct from the signal (dynamic persisted state). ↩︎