All phenomena are (composed, and composable) composition – composition includes relative structural arrangement 1. What it is that is arranged, are other phenomena – relative priors, become constituents:

  1. Sub-atomics (will skip past to avoid distraction for now)
  2. Atoms (composed sub-atomics)
  3. Molecules (composed atoms)
  • Repeat for: cells, organisms, ideas, language, behaviour, food, etc - Everything

for intuition, think food recipes – a recipe instructs us how to prepare and arrange ingredients (relative phenomenal priors, later constituents) to achieve a desired structurally arranged composition

"—why do we care?"

The only reason we care about any universal phenomena is the nature and consequence of respective phenomenal behaviour. All phenomenal behaviour is:

  1. The result of relative structural arrangement of phenomenal constituents, upon other phenomena, which occurs upon intersection
  2. Relative, conditional, and therefore circumstantial
  3. As such, we can think of behaviour as being circumstantially evaluated, or circumstantial evaluation

given identical extrinsic circumstances, phenomena with the same composition (which includes relative structural arrangement) will behave the same; and phenomena with different composition (even if only relative arrangement) will behave differently (the set-of-all behaviours)

note: I find “causal participation” a useful wrapper for the evaluation of relative behaviours; and “causal profile” a useful wrapper for each phenomenal set (or pattern) of behaviour/ changes 2


  • Phenomenal constituents: “predominantly sub-parts; though also relative arrangement (which necessarily includes the arrangement of constituents themselves, all the way down); and technically, each compositions respective behaviours (!)”
    • The formal definition (because set-theory working): set-of-all circumstances/ concerns 3



  1. Like musical composition. ↩︎

  2. We distinguish phenomena by differences in structure and behaviour. Because distinct structural composition causes distinct behavioural profile, circumstantial evaluation of relative arrangement is how more is different↩︎

  3. Super technical note: circumstances = territory; concerns = map. ↩︎