note ‘room elephants’ :

  1. unimath

the mind


  1. Our species lacks a circumstantially complete, fundamentally coherent account of the mind (see: the quartet, moments and sense )
    1. As a consequence, we (individuals of the species) routinely misunderstand ourselves, and others; and others, routinely misunderstand us, and themselves
  2. Our species collective understanding of the mind (the quartet, of: mind sciences; experiential practices; psychiatry; religion/ religiosity) contradict broadly, and are fundamentally irreconcilable, as presented: nonetheless, commonality exists 1 – ie. Many of the same operational phenomena of cognition (and direct experience) are invoked or influenced by each, and simply described and explained differently
  3. This project includes an unsentimental reinterpretation of the occasions and outcomes of traditional meditation practices; with phenomenological observables framed in terms of a baseline and changes in biological sensory operations, and operational modes
    1. this reinterpretation aligns with the description (but not judgements) of some circumstances of many psychological and psychiatric phenomena 2
    2. Reinterpreted experiential practice is a structured exercise for the development of cognitive ‘range-of-motion’, akin to the analogue of considering yoga’s physical ‘range-of-motion’ exercises in terms of musculoskeletal and other biological systems
    3. Cognitive (and sensory) operations together comprise a ‘general system of cognition’
  4. The general system of cognition
    1. Fundamental elements of the general system of cognition are initially illuminated by routines of practical exercises, heavily based upon traditional meditation practices (though with important changes)
    2. These elements are explored conceptually, via an speculative evolution progression which aligns with observable circumstances of numerous animal species
    3. The complete system is built up from first-principles, as an operational specification; with characteristics described formally, operationally, experientially, and behaviourally; and align broadly with circumstances of each of the quartet, at the point of intersection with biological concerns

the method


  1. Our universe is simpler than we commonly understand 3
    1. (In-fact, simpler than is possible to understand by the isolated scientific disciplines of an ununified scientific endeavour)
    2. Notes
      1. There are two kinds of complexity: 1. Innate, and; 2. Contrived
      2. Reducing contrived complexity simplifies, even if innate complexity increases, as the former is incoherent; and the latter, coherent complexity, or constraints, are clues 4
      3. The hedge (the tenth man)
  2. Minimal viability 5
    1. A minimally-viable (contextually coherent) account is analogous to ’the simplest explanation’, but for territory, and evolution
  3. Phenomena-invariant constraint based modelling and analysis
    1. See: the improbable yet elementary case, the improbable yet elementary case - the gist, on coherence and constraints
  4. #tbc

  1. (Observably and necessarily) between ’the mind behind’ each ↩︎

  2. incl. ADHD, ASD, burnout, depression, #tbc  ↩︎

  3. On coherence and constraints ↩︎

  4. On coherence and constraints ↩︎

  5. Push back on human exceptionalism ↩︎